Thursday, 7 January 2016

January 7th 2016 - Oops

Ok, so I missed my goal of 30 mins each day, but it's for good reason.  My fiance proposed an 8 week fitness & well-being challenge and I'm all on board.  In the last 3 days alone I've pretty much cut out all sugar (which I was doing well with before xmas) including in my cappuccino's.  I've even switched to having latte's so that there's no chocolate involved.  I'm eating good amounts of fruit & veg and exercising, let's say, "regularly" at the moment.  This includes a total of 2 hours either on the treadmill or exercise bike.  A slow start, but I'm gaining momentum.  Still well short of where I was at 5-6 years ago, but I'm building it up with a little extra each day.  I'm just going to quickly jump on the scales & see what it says...74.1.. hard to gauge at the moment as I last weighed myself first thing in the morning.  Anyway, I'll keep the progress updates coming through here.

Had a great few weeks with my daughter.  She has come so far since we have been on holidays together.  Just on her 2nd Birthday a little over a year ago, she started walking.  This time around, for her 3rd Birthday, she's really come to life with her love for her parents.  Her awareness has increased tenfold & we are loving the cuddles & interactions.  

One of her favorite things at the moment is the new trampoline we got her, even more so since I put the tent over it.  She takes her sock monkey doll in there and plays for ages.  She's getting better at bouncing every day, but mostly loves just running around in circles, crashing into the nets and falling down... all with sock monkey in hand.  The other favorite is Emma Wiggle.  Man, she loves that show like crazy.  She's really into dancing, music & hand-movement type games & songs, so the 2 are going hand in hand.  A part from all that, we are starting to get repetitive words out of her. The most common one is "ottel" which means bottle of water.  While we were away in Brisbane, it was "nan", "mama" and "addy" which is daddy.  Small wins, just hope she keeps it going.  There are number of tactics we are trying to encourage her speech.  It's tough & frustrating for all of us, but if we can get this break-through, it will make a massive difference to the speed of her development.

So, what else... over the past few days I've been tinkering around the house, sorting out suits & gear for the groomsmen, got a massage, saw Star Wars for the 2nd time, bought some new shoes.  What next.. I must start on sorting through the garage & spare room this afternoon.  We have a lot of stuff we can sell or throw out.  Planning on splitting the garage in two... a sell side & a trash side.  Sounds like fun. 

Sunday, 3 January 2016

2016 - Setting Some Ground Rules

Ok, so here comes a big year with at least 2 certainties.. Getting married in March and buying a house sometime after that. Plenty of other smaller things to look forward to throughout the year but I'll talk about those when they happen. For now, just going to say that today marks the first of many blogs, a decision I have made for the following reasons:

1. I need an outlet. It helps me stay on track by reflecting on my days & thoughts.
2. I need to have something to look back on. Years are going by faster & faster and it all seems a blur. I hope that having these physical memories will make each day more valuable.
3. I need to be more productive. I'm always putting things off, claiming to be busy, which I am, but I need to make the most of my time with the people I care about while balancing my workload. I must do this without overloading myself & becoming a high-strung, stressed out individual.
4. I have a crap memory. Yep, for the same reasons as #2.
5. I am doing this for me. I should point out that I am doing this for me, but it is on the internet so if you find it useful or think someone else might... share/comment away!

My measure here is 30 mins of writing & reflection each day. I plan on doing this at the end of each day once my daughter is in bed.

I have a great feeling about this year. Not 100% sure what it is, but that makes it all the more interesting!

One last thing. I need to become fit again. That'll be one part of this. Right now, I have the biggest gut I've ever had & I'm weighing in at 75.6kgs; the heaviest I've ever been & I'm getting married in 2 months. Time to get busy!